

Add Trigger Appy Pie Automate developer | AUTOMATION

Any Connect is incomplete without a trigger, it is the requirement to fetch new or updated information from your app through various API calls. The same process helps in performing future tasks which can help in automating the workflow by updating the information cyclically. This can happen in any case related to emails, messages, CRM notifications, etc.

Setting up a trigger in Appy Pie Automate is fast in comparison to the Actions as the main contribution for the triggers is to fetch the new or updated information and to process it for the Action. Triggers can further be improvised using filters and input fields to update or check for specific information.

NOTE: Triggers will be displayed in the same order as they are being added, thus, be sure to prioritise them.

Types of Triggers

Appy Pie Automate facilitates users to make triggers for different purposes which are basically standard, update triggers. These help to notify about every new information or data to the user and help in using the data in further processes with the apps available for Connect.

For Standard trigger, you need to configure an API to list all the new data in a specific order. A sorted array is the most common type of format for the API to check the data. For the case where the API is listing the data in a different order, there must be a sorting field for your API call.

For listing down the updated information, you need to create a trigger which has an API endpoint for updated information as well as for new information. Each updated information should generate a specific id in order to let the Connect treat it differently and avoid any loss of subsequent data. This has to be filtered with a reverse chronological array that has proper trigger description for the users to understand and run it smoothly.

Adding Trigger In Appy Pie Automate Integration

1. Settings
Configure Trigger Settings Appy Pie Automate developer | AUTOMATION

To start with the trigger you need to add details such as Name, Description and Visibility option. This will help the user to know more about the trigger as well. As this information must be related to the functionality of your app with the user-friendly name. Main information required at Appy Pie Connect is:

  • a. Name (Required): User-friendly name that can help the general user to recognise the functionality of your trigger. An example can be updated which can help the user to use the trigger for the updated information.
  • b. Description (Required): Here, you have to enter the description explaining the functionality of the trigger. Try to keep it simple and elaborative for the user to understand the importance. This can help the user to understand the necessity of using the trigger. In Connect, you can update the description at the later stage as well if in case you forget to add any vital information.
  • c. Visibility Option: There is a checkbox which can be used if the trigger is set to initiate data reception for another trigger. Thus, it will hide for the common app users and will work as an internal trigger to fetch and reflect the information in the main trigger of your app.

Once done with filling all the information and setting the trigger to hidden or visible mode, Save the information. Now, you are all set to move to the next part of configuring your API or setting up Input Designer Form.

2. Input Designer (Optional)
Trigger Design Input Field Form Appy Pie Automate developer | AUTOMATION

Generally, no Input Designer is required for the trigger section of your app. Standardly API just looks for the fresh or updated information and pushes in Connect for completing an action. For a specific reason if the API needs information such as a precise folder or location details, then, an Input Designer Form can be handy. In the second tab of the Trigger settings, you can add all the Input Fields that are required for it. Check Input Designer Guide to know the complete walkthrough of how to add form.

3. API Configuration
Trigger API Configure Request Appy Pie Automate developer | AUTOMATION

Once the settings and input designer form is set, the final part is to configure API. Appy Pie Connect uses Rest hook API settings. It helps to check for new or updated information and receive the same automatically. An array must be available with 0 or more objects to pass through Connect, the result will show all the new information and operate the Action on the basis of user’s Connect apps.

REST hook or Webhook Trigger

At Appy Pie Connet, triggers are made with REST hook or Webhooks where the API will fetch the data after a particular interval of time. There is a particular delay with the effective data operation in Connect. Once the data is fetched in Appy Pie Automate it will immediately run the Connect to perform the operation.

Add the API URL for your app and set the Key Input Type amongst GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE and HEAD. By default, for all the API’s the Key Input value is set as GET.

Test Your API Response

Once the REST hook URL is set, next you can check for the validation of the URL by connecting it with an account in your app. This will make sure that the API is working and response is successfully being received by Appy Pie Automate.

To Test, firstly add the proper credentials of an account which is linked with your app. Then fill the Input-Form, if any, connected with the same API request for the trigger. As soon as the test is run, the success message is shown if everything is in order, else, the error message will be shown on the screen just below the Test field.

Trigger Test API Request Appy Pie Automate developer | AUTOMATION
Define Your Output

API will fetch all the information in the output field, you can select the most relevant output fields that the user may require for the Connect. You can remove the output fields such as Account Settings. Remember, use the most important and relevant fields exclusively in order to make it user-friendly and to decrease the complexity for the end-user.

Reordering Triggers in Appy Pie Automate

Users of Connect while using your app, will see the triggers in the same order as they were added.

At Appy Pie Automate the Triggers are displayed in the same order as they are added. They cannot be re-arranged as of now. If you want to reorder them then, the simple way would be to delete and add the triggers in the desired order.

Deleting Triggers From Appy Pie Automate

If in case you want to remove any trigger from your app, or you want to delete it for the reorder then Appy Pie Automate’s trigger deletion option can be used. There can be different cases to delete or remove the trigger such as:

  • Your app no longer supports the trigger
  • You need to rebuild the trigger
  • You want to change the order of your triggers.

To remove the trigger from your integration, you need to click on the trigger menu. All the

triggers will be visible in the series. Click on the settings icon. Choose to delete the trigger.

Important: Be careful while removing any trigger as there is no option to revert back this change at Appy Pie Automate. Once the trigger is removed you can only add it again but cannot restore the same. Also, follow this process before making your app live for public usage.